Your Dental Office in Chicago Helps Stop The Grinding

One of the areas of specialty dentistry we focus on here at our dental office in Chicago are those concerning TMJ (temporal-mandibular joint) disorders. One of the most common causes of issues with the TMJ can be due to chronic teeth grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism.


And while Dr. Kaufman and our staff offer some of the most advanced techniques available to treat this and related TMJ issues, many patients are not even aware of the term bruxism. Even worse, many patients who suffer from bruxism don’t even know they are participating in it!


In order to help all patients alike, today we will be going over some of the signs, possible results, and other treatment methods for bruxism.


First of all, you may be thinking right now how a person could be chronically grinding their teeth and not even be aware of it?


Valid question. Most patients suffering from bruxism participate in this behavior primarily when they are sleeping. They sort of “grind away the stress of the day” subconsciously, and unless someone sleeping nearby notices, it may be hard to tell it is even occurring.


Some of the tell-tale signs of bruxism can be identified at home, however. If you happen to notice your teeth are losing physical height, chewing surface is reducing, or you are suffering from new headaches and/or pops or clicks in the jaw- you could be grinding your teeth.


Prolonged and untreated bruxism can have unfortunate results. Often, patients will need restorative work to mend fractured or lost teeth, or need to seek other methods to heal structural, muscle and joint damage that can result. Also due to the sheer force exerted by the jaw, cracks can develop in the teeth, resulting in more “common” dental issues like decay and disease more often.


Besides our more advanced methods like “TMJ Next Generation,” many patients find that nightly worn mouthguards can be a huge benefit. Other forms of treatment include surgical options, stress management therapy, massage, mouth behavioral therapy and more. A consultation and assessment with Dr. Kaufman will be required to figure out the treatment that is best for you.


Contact our dental office in Chicago to set up your appointment today by dialing (773) 643-6006.


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