

Dr. Louis Kaufman is an (877) LUMINEER approved doctor with 20+ years experience placing LUMINEERS, and is even a patient of the procedure himself!


best lumineers dentist" I am very pleased with the results of the Lumineers that were placed on my existing teeth my smile is 200% better than before. I will definitely recommend family and friends."

Mr, Donald Hudson 5/13/16





What are LUMINEERS by Cerinate?

LUMINEERS are thin porcelain shields that are bonded to the front of your tooth to create dramatic changes in your smile

Is there any pain involved?
No! Because LUMINEERS require little to no preparation, there is no need for shots or drilling.
How long will it take to change my smile?
While some people may need other dental treatments, LUMINEERS typically require 2 dental visits and they are placed in only an hour.
How do I know if LUMINEERS are right for me?
Call (773) 643-6006 for a free LUMINEER consultation and we will show you how your smile can be improved with Lumineers.
How long do Lumineers last?
Long-term clinical research with LUMINEERS (up to 20 years) shows 100% retention with no discoloration.
Here are some of the examples of our patients and their transformed smile with the help of our Lumineers in Chicago.
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For more information on the best Lumineers dentist or to request an appointment, call (773) 643-6006 or Click Here today.