Chicago Dentist Dr. Louis Kaufman explains the importance of routine checkups

Routine Checkups Do More Than You Think


When you go to a dentist in Chicago, you probably know that they’ll check for cavities, check your gums, and clean your teeth. However, as you’ll read below, your checkup includes many other examinations that you might not be aware of. These examinations can diagnose severe dangers to your overall health.


Checking for Cancer

According to, nearly 40,000 people will get oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancers in the United States in 2015. An estimated 7,500 people will die from those cancers. Oral cancer is very real and very dangerous. When Dr. Kaufman and his team at Kaufman and Kaufman Smile Design Studio is prodding in your mouth, they’re also checking for any signs of cancer. Your dentist is the only specialist in oral health and hygiene and can do the most through job of oral cancer screening.


Poor Dental Health Leads to Poor Overall Health

When you’re being checked out for cavities, plaque, gum disease, and other dental detriments, your dentist isn’t just mending your smile. Your oral health plays a larger role in your overall health than you may think. From decaying teeth to gum disease to small cavities, if oral health issues remain untreated, they can cause serious health issues like heart problems and cardiovascular disease.

Your mouth serves as the gateway to the rest of your body and if it’s filled with oral bacteria, what do you think is going to happen? Next time you visit your Chicago dentist remember that we’re doing more than just scraping your teeth. We’re taking care of you!


Think You Have an Issue? Don’t Wait to Make an Appointment

Cleanings and checkups are recommended every six months. However, if you feel there’s something wrong, don’t hesitate to make an appointment and get it checked out. Dental problems aren’t passing illnesses that get better over time. They linger and fester and cause more damaging problems later on. If you believe you may have a new cavity, your gums feel sensitive, or even just a toothache, don’t ignore it! The more time you wait the more painful and expensive the procedure is likely to be.


That Free Toothbrush Serves a Purpose!

You should be using a new toothbrush every three months. That means that if you maintain a regular checkup schedule of coming to your dentist once every six months, you should be changing out a toothbrush on your own halfway between your last appointment and your next appointment. If you happen to suffer from gingivitis or another bacterial disease, that three month recommendation is adjusted to every four to six weeks. Overusing a toothbrush will lead to frayed bristles that don’t clean your teeth very well and can actually irritate gums.


Have We Convinced You Yet?

Your dental exam is more important than you think. Maintain these appointments every six months to ensure your smile remains bright and white and your overall health remains in tip top condition.

To make an appointment with a renowned Chicago dentist, give Dr. Kaufman and his team at Kaufman and Kaufman Smile Design Studios a call at (773) 643-6006 or visit the appointment request page here.


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