Orthodontics in Chicago Provide Several Ways to Improve Your Smile


There are several procedures that can benefit your teeth and give you the smile that you’ve always wanted. Thankfully, Dr. Kaufman and his staff offer beneficial procedures for patients in order to enhance their teeth into something that they could have never dreamed of!  Below, your orthodontics in Chicago is here to provide the options that can improve your smile.


When it comes to orthodontics, this has been one of the most popular procedures out there! Invisalign is invisible aligners that patients wear for their recommended amount of time as opposed to braces in order to straighten their teeth. They’re easily removable for eating and drinking. Also, since they’re clear, they’re very hard to notice a person wearing them, so it doesn’t hinder their social life.


Snap-On Smile
This procedure is comfortable, removable, and can improve your smile like never before! It’s custom-made to fit your teeth and resistant to any stains from cigarettes, coffee, and other foods and drinks. They’re strong and they clean easily. After a consultation with your dentist, you can see if Snap-On Smile is the right option for you!


Dental Implants
This procedure is the best option for missing teeth. It’s a permanent solution and worth the time and effort! These implants act just like natural teeth and are able to last a lifetime. Though the healing time takes 3-6 months, you’re able to have a full, bright smile that you missed out on in the past.


There are more options for your orthodontics in Chicago to improve your smile. Contact Dr. Kaufman’s office by calling 773-643-6006 or clicking here to request an appointment or consultation online.


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