Chicago Dental Implants or Dentures?

As your top provider of Chicago dental implants, we do take many considerations into mind when assisting you in choosing your solution for tooth loss. For instance, some patients may choose to go with another option- such as dentures- that we also have much experience providing for patients of all ages.


What are the primary differences and how can one be more helpful than another though? Today we will take a look at dentures versus dental implants.


Dentures are a full-set of artificial teeth that can be used to replace any teeth a patient may be missing. Many people get a certain image of what dentures look like, how they did on their grandparents…but they have come a long way. Sure, they still are easy to remove and take care of as a whole appliance, but they are more natural looking and comfortable than ever before today.


Dental implants provide another solution to missing teeth. The process involves the fusing of a titanium element to your jawbone that is not removable. This titanium post is topped with an artificial “crown” tooth that matches the natural color and shape of your tooth. Due to the amount of time needed for the surrounding tissue to adapt to the implant, the process can take, on average, 6 months, but even up to a year if certain conditions or issues arise.


Comparing these choices side by side? Well dentures may not always be the most comfortable option for all, and can make it more difficult to eat certain foods. They are more affordable compared to dental implants and can typically be replace more easier.


Dental implants do have a higher price tag, but offer the most natural looking, and feeling, permanent solution to tooth loss available today.


Call your number one provider of Chicago dental implants and dentures to discuss your options. Have one of our experts help guide you and treat you with the best option for you!


Kaufman & Kaufman Smile Design Studio can be reached at (773) 643- 6006.


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