Dental Office in Chicago Elaborates on Connection between Diabetic Patients & their Dental Risks


With millions of people being affected by diabetes, it can be difficult to have a normal, regular diet because of this issue. Not only is their overall health affected, but their dental health is at risk, too. The goal of your dental office in Chicago is to make sure that every patient who walks through our doors is satisfied with their strong, healthy smile, but we also want to inform patients who suffer from diabetes that they’re at a much higher risk for dental problems.


If a patient suffers from diabetes, they are automatically more likely to experience tooth loss than a patient who doesn’t. Their teeth end up becoming much more vulnerable, including black Americans with diabetes who have an even higher risk, which is an upsetting circumstance.


Learning why is the next important step. Click here to read more and contact your dental office in Chicago in order to learn how to further protect your smile by calling 773-643-6006.


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