Can Retainers Straighten Teeth?

If someone needs to have their teeth straightened, it is common to see them wearing braces. Then, a retainer is used afterward to help keep the teeth in place. Did you know that some people can use a dental retainer to correct minor imperfections? It’s true; retainers aren’t just to be used after braces, but some times they can be used alone.
The Way a Retainer Works
Once the teeth have been straightened, an orthodontist offers a custom-made retainer to keep those teeth in their places. There are several varieties of retainers available. Some are removable and others get fixed in place. The retainer should be worn for at least six months after the braces get removed. They are often worn even while sleeping. 
Overall, it can take several years for braces and your retainer to complete the straightening job.
How do Retainers Straighten Teeth?
For some patients, braces aren’t needed to straighten the teeth. Instead, your Chicago cosmetic dentist will perform a thorough checkup to confirm that a retainer is the best option. If you are an adult and you only have minor overcrowding issues, a retainer might be a better choice for you.
In addition, children that have relatively straight teeth with a small misalignment in the bite, a retainer is also a good choice. Another time that retainers are used for straightening is when the patient suffers from a narrow upper jaw or an undeveloped palate.
If you are given a retainer, be sure to wear it as often as possible. While it can be taken out during eating, brushing your teeth or rigorous activities, you’ll want to keep it in every other moment of the day and night. This will ensure that your smile is straightened as fast as possible and you can ditch that retainer fast!
The dentist can also create a set of clear, Invisalign (plastic-like retainers) for you. Within about a year, you’ll have a more beautiful and straight smile. 
Whatever option you decide is best for you, having a healthy, straight smile should be a priority in your life. Make a list of questions and concerns to discuss with your Chicago cosmetic dentist.
Ready to schedule an appointment? Please give our office a call at (773) 643-6006.