Chicago IL Dental Office on Staying Fresh

Bad breath can be a common issue that not only is inconvenient and embarrassing but potentially telling of worse oral health problems looming. And while bad breath can come from a variety of sources, it can also be tamed and handled in a variety of different ways. Today your top provider of Chicago IL dental services will be discussing some natural ways you can prevent bad breath at home!


Drink Plenty of Water

Water and saliva go hand-and-hand not only together, but with your oral health as well. Saliva helps protect and heal the teeth while also washing away lingering particles stuck between the teeth- that can cause bad breath. Drink at least (8) 8-ounce glasses of water a day to ensure you are producing enough saliva. Water can also simulate the “washing away” of particles effect too.


Watching Diet

While onions and garlic may not do your breath many favors, adding some fresh scented fruits and vegetables could. Not only does their inherent sweet smell do wonders for your breath, but many have a naturally high water content level, which can help stimulate and simulate saliva benefits as well.


Quit Your Habit

Alcohol and tobacco both have their own unpleasant smells associated with them, but can also dehydrate the mouth as well. This can lead many to the aversive side effects related to saliva production as previously mentioned. Quitting these vices may not be easy- but can do a lot more than just make your breath smell fresher.


Keep Your Regimen

One of the best, and easiest, ways to keep your breath fresh and your smile intact? Brush and floss daily! You can remove all of the leftover particles that can rot and cause bad breath, as well as give your mouth that nice fresh scent, all with twice daily brushing and once daily flossing.


For more helpful tips on curing bad breath, or to schedule an appointment with your #1 Chicago IL dental provider Dr. Kaufman, call our office today at (773) 643-6006.


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